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Bridge Education and Career Pathways by Bolstering Learner Employability

Acadeum Skills Marketplace enables colleges and universities to launch a customized marketplace with a branded storefront to attract new learners along the education-career continuum. Curate workforce-aligned certifications, training, and learning modules from in-demand providers while also offering your own institutional curriculum to create achievable milestones with life-long learning opportunities.

Acadeum Skills Marketplace



Online Credentials Aligned with Fast-Changing Needs of Today’s Workforce

Curate workforce-aligned certifications, training, and learning modules from in-demand providers as well as your own institutional curriculum

Feature In-Demand, Curated Certificates, Training and Learning Modules

Skills Marketplace was designed to help academic leaders access a library of more than 380 online credentials aligned with the fast-changing needs of today’s workforce. With Acadeum Skills Marketplace, institutions can tap into a vetted network of workforce-aligned credentials that will make it possible to turn on an e-commerce storefront to offer current students, alumni, faculty and staff, and local employer partners a range of non-credit courses and credentials outside their existing course catalog and curriculum.


Discover How

Career focused learning stands out as the top trend for learners in US higher education

According to a 2023 study by Hanover Research 68% of adults considering enrollment in a higher education program now prefer non-degree pathways

Connect with Learners Across the Career-Education Continuum

Learners are faced with a host of challenges in today’s academic environment. Reduce the friction, bolster employability opportunities for current learners while amplifying your targeting to attract workforce learners and alumni, and stopout and dropout recovery.


Institutions can provide learners the ability to increase earning potential, bolster employability, and demonstrate skills while creating achievable milestones with life-long learning opportunities.


Skills Marketplace Enables Colleges and Universities To:

Build New On and Off Ramps for Learners

Integrate education and career milestones along a life-long learning pathway

Expedite Curriculum Advancement

Offer workforce-aligned certifications and stay relevant in a rapidly changing environment

Expand Visibility to Your Institution’s Brand

Increase workforce-aligned offerings to bolster learner employability and generate enrollment through workforce populations

Our Platform

The Acadeum platform helps colleges and universities quickly expand academic portfolios with in-demand certifications, courses, and programs to attract and retain learners along the education-career continuum. Discover why our network of over 460+ institutions use the Acadeum platform to increase in-demand offerings.

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Computer searching through Acadeum courses

Let's Connect

The Acadeum team comprises educators and former academic leaders of institutional and system-wide online learning initiatives. With proven experience in launching innovative curricular models across institution types, our team can provide consultation and architect solutions customized to your institutional needs. Contact us today.