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Discover How Acadeum Can Help Institution's Quickly Expand Academic Capacity

Acadeum helps institutions apply the right strategies to meet their goals.

Respond to instructional gaps

Hiring and retaining faculty in the current environment, planning for faculty sabbaticals, and sourcing faculty for specialty fields can be challenging. By leveraging course sharing, institutions can increase the number of courses available to students without putting extra course load on existing faculty and help source equivalent offerings for hard-to-staff courses.

Balance academic offerings with institutional resources

Course scheduling is made more complex by canceled courses due to low enrollment, over- or under-enrolled course sections, and increased need for independent study options. Implementing course sharing can expand instructional capacity where and when needed.

Respond to industry-relevant content needs quickly

It can be costly and time consuming to expedite curricular advancement to in-demand and industry-relevant content. By leveraging the Acadeum network, institutions source a diverse variety of courses, with a broad range of term lengths and start dates that fit the academic calendar.

Academic Leaders’ Guide to Creating Process Efficiency

Learn how Acadeum can create significant and measurable impacts on academic operations while aligning with institutional missions and goals:

  • Offer intersession courses with minimal lift to help students stay on track to graduation
  • Meet faculty resourcing needs through a vast network of like-minded institutions
  • Create course and program sustainability through collaboration and strategic partnerships
  • Increase student access across learning environments

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Hear from Institutions Within the Acadeum Network

Discover how institutions within the Acadeum network are using course sharing to create institutional efficiencies.

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Discover how the Texas A&M University System Addressed Student Stopout

The Texas A&M University System identified a need for a system that prioritized student success to impact the over 180,000 students who have stopped out in the last ten years.

With course sharing and other new technologies, we can reinvent higher ed in ways that better serve students, while also structuring and using resources more effectively.

-Jason E. Lane
National Association of Higher Education Systems
President & CEO

Our full-time faculty are already on overload, and finding adjuncts can often be a challenge, so when we have a student that needs a specific course to keep them in sequence or on track to graduate, we look to course sharing for a solution.

-Sarabecca Martin
Heritage University
Director of Accreditation and Quality Improvement

Course sharing allows us to deploy resources where they are most needed while offering high-quality online courses to our students when we can’t offer a course ourselves.

-Dr. Arvid C. Johnson
University of St. Francis

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How can course sharing help you achieve your goals?