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Discover How the Acadeum Network Can Bolster Academic Offerings

Acadeum helps institutions apply the right strategies to meet their goals.

Enroll students in high-demand programs

Competition for in-demand, professional programs is high, and students are looking beyond their current institutions to seek them out. Leveraging the Acadeum network can help your institution attract and enroll more students seeking in-demand certifications, courses and majors.

Add specialty offerings with stackable credentials and professional certifications

Expand academic programs without significant budget implications while aligning majors to projected job forecasting and regional demands. Leveraging Acadeum allows institutions to pilot in-demand courses and majors with minimal investment and resources while strategically collaborating with partner institutions to design unique programs that may require specialized or hard-to-hire faculty.

Create undergraduate to graduate pathways

In a competitive market, more students are looking for quicker and more affordable options to achieve their degrees, and in many fields, a graduate degree may be required to enter the job market. Leveraging Acadeum creates access to upper-level courses from like-minded, high-quality institutions and can be easily added to undergraduate majors as pathways into graduate programs.

Academic Leaders’ Guide to Boost Academic Innovation

Learn how Acadeum creates significant and measurable impacts:

  • Attract new student populations by delivering in-demand courses and programs, conveniently and affordably
  • Update or expand existing programs with new content from like-minded partners
  • Meet student needs with workforce-aligned courses that offer credit as well as hands-on skills
  • Ensure students have the courses they need to maintain velocity to completion

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Hear from Institutions Within the Acadeum Network

Discover how institutions are using Acadeum to boost academic innovation.

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The Higher Ed Transformation in Today's Digitally Connected Ecosystem

Listen in to this episode of the Partnerships for Progress podcast as we discuss the systemic approaches that better serve the needs of the modern-day learner and methods to keep institutions thriving through disruption.

The opportunity to create new minors and majors while maintaining your mission is critical to any institution’s growth and sustainability. Through Acadeum, we can course and even program share more easily, allowing us to meet the demand for new degrees in much less time and cost.

-Ted Song, PhD
John Brown University
Chief Diversity Officer

We put together our version of a computer science major, a program based on feedback from expert faculty and regional employers; 25% of the degree is offered from Saint Leo’s courses.

-Dr. Ann C. Fulop
Eureka College
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

We’ve used the Acadeum platform for transfer options, GPA recovery, teach outs, and keeping up with pacing for graduation. The amount of selection on the platform…it’s extraordinary.

-Ron Lonzo
Tiffin University
Vice President of What’s Next

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How can course sharing help you achieve your goals?